Sunday 08 September 2024

Soha Ali blames Sexual Harassment on Arshad Chaudhry


An application has been submitted by actress Soha Ali against producer Arshad Chaudhry for sexual harassment. According to details, this application was submitted in the office of CCPO Lahore in which the actress said that the producer raped her initially and now he is threatening to kill her son if she informed police about this matter.

According to Soha Ali, Arshad Chaudhry has raped several girls previously also on the condition of introducing them in showbiz industry. It was confirmed by officials that an application has been filed by the actress but so far no FIR has been launched by her.

A police told on the condition of anonymity that are trying to find the truth about this matter after such application because actresses in Lahore stage usually made such blames but they will act properly after initial interrogation.



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